Ashanty Palmer, the most rebellious spirit you will encounter in live video chat!

“Many people struggle to strike the balance between confidence and arrogance, and instead adopt an overly modest approach, but that rarely works. Who wants to go out with someone who describes themselves as shy and introverted? Nobody, that’s who!”, Ashanty Palmer writes in her live video chat bio. From her attitude, you can figure out that you’re dealing with a one-of-a-kind webcam babe, full of courage and nerve. And, if you take a look at her photos, you will find out that she is the perfect combination between personality and looks, that will most certainly make your soul vibe and your heart tremble.

She is the perfect chocolate sexy babe, with a natural tan that has the potential to drive every man crazy. Ashanty Palmer further describes herself as an open and free spirit, who loves animals, sunny days, walking on the beach, being cuddled, and teased. In other words, she is a good person, very careful with those around her, as you will see if you join her in a private session, but also very convinced of her qualities, both physical and psychological. Her hot ebony skin, her huge boobs, and peachy ass represent a great bonus, but the main focus is on her personality. Once she enters a room, she fills it, figuratively, with her joy of life.

Ashanty Palmer is one of the best cam models you could find online, which is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it will be quite difficult to get her attention because she has such extensive experience and knows almost every trick that men have up their sleeve to get her. On the other hand, though, once you catch her eye, if you are lucky enough to enter a private session with her, your whole world could change. The moments you are about to encounter will be unique, we can guarantee that, and your view on the fairer sex could change forever. If you never looked up to a woman before, now it’s time – with her gorgeous mix of looks and personality, this sexy cam girl will rock your world!

So what should you do to get Ashley Palmer? First of all, be yourself – this is the most important thing. As we already mentioned, she is very experienced and she will notice immediately if you are trying to fake a personality. Secondly, as she said, don’t be too humble! If you are confident in yourself and know that you have certain qualities, don’t be shy and show them, she will most definitely appreciate it. Last but not least, don’t look desperate! If you enter the public session only thinking about seeing her naked boobs or juicy pussy, you will be penalized and you won’t get this awesome chance. Instead, tease her, as she likes, and when the time is right, move from the public to the private session. Once there, a whole new range of opportunities will open up to you, with one of the best cam girls you could ever dream of!