Everyone occasionally experiences moments of forgetfulness, especially when life becomes hectic. While this could be entirely natural, having trouble remembering things might be annoying. Genetics also have a part in memory loss, particularly in severe neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s disease. However, studies have established that diet and way of life also greatly affect memory. Here are some natural, evidence-based techniques to enhance your memory.

Obtain enough rest.

It has long been known that getting enough sleep is necessary for good recall. Sleep is crucial for memory consolidation, the process through which short-term memories are consolidated and turned into long-term memories. According to research, not getting enough sleep may hurt your memory.

For instance, one study examined the impact of sleep on 40 kids between the ages of 10 and 14. One set of kids underwent training for memory tests in the evening, followed by testing the next morning after a restful night. The other group received training and testing on the same day, with no time for rest in between. The memory tests were 20% more effective for the group that slept between training and testing.

Try taking a fish oil supplement.

Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), two omega-3 fatty acids, are more in fish oil. These fats are crucial for overall health since research has shown that they reduce inflammation, soothe stress and anxiety, and slow aging.

Fish oil is one of the best supplements for memory. Numerous studies have suggested that eating fish and taking supplements with fish oil may enhance memory, particularly in older adults. According to a 2015 assessment of 28 studies, when persons with mild memory loss took supplements high in DHA and EPA, such as fish oil, their episodic memory improved.

In addition to being essential for the well-being and proper operation of the brain, DHA and EPA also assist in lowering bodily inflammation, which has been associated with cognitive decline.

Reduce your sugar intake.

Consuming excessive added sugar is associated with several chronic diseases and health problems, including cognitive deterioration. Eating a lot of sugar might cause memory loss and shrink the brain, especially in the brain region that maintains short-term memory.

For instance, a study involving more than 4,000 people discovered that those who used more sugary drinks like soda had, on average, smaller total brain sizes and worse memories than those who consumed less sugar—reducing your sugar intake benefits both your memory and general wellness.

Maintain healthy weight

Obesity is a known risk factor for cognitive deterioration, according to numerous research. Obesity can alter memory-related genes in the brain, which has a detrimental effect on memory. Inflammation and insulin resistance, both of which can hurt the brain as a result of obesity.

According to research on 50 individuals between 18 and 35, a greater body mass index was linked to significantly worse performance on memory tests. Additionally, obesity increases the likelihood of acquiring Alzheimer’s disease, a degenerative condition that ravages memory and other cognitive abilities. Therefore maintaining a healthy weight can help you avoid the many issues associated with obesity, including poor memory.