Preparation of private school testing

Most private schools require an admission test as part of the admission process. The two most common tests are the entrance examination of the independent school (ISAT) and the secondary inlet test (SSAT), and several other tests are used by parish schools.


The dates, fees and times proposed vary according to tests and schools have different admission times. Make sure you check the information from the test agency and the school at least one year in advance of the desired admission date to ensure that their deadlines are satisfied.

Why do a test?

The reason for the test is to give schools a tool for measuring different students from different horizons on the same learning categories on an equal footing. The same reason to perform private school tests for the admission tests used during the participation of colleges and universities, then higher education schools. In addition, private schools use the test to help students in academic programs where they succeed. Each school evaluates test scores based on its own standards and requirements.

Independent school entrance exam

The independent school entry examination (ISEE), proposed by the Office of Education Register (ERB) has three versions: the lower level concerns grades 5 and 6 candidates, at the intermediate level of grades 7 and 8 and the level Grades 9 to 12. The ERB offers free “What to expect on ISEE preparation equipment” for each level and a full student guide with test dates on their website.

At each of its three levels, the ISEE consists of three parts: verbal reasoning tests carefully constructed and standardized and standardized which measure the learning capacity; testing tests and reading mathematics that provide specific information on the strengths and weaknesses of a student in these areas; and a test section.

The results of ISEE tests include a test profile, which contains information about how the student’s performance compares to other candidates of the same quality that took the test over the last three years. The Analysis Section provides detailed information on the strengths and weaknesses of each student, based on the specific types of questions he has responded to the ISEE test.

Admission test of high school

The inlet of the secondary school (SSAT) is administered at two levels: the lowest, for students from the years 5 to 7 and the top, for students from Grade 8 to 11. The aptitude test Multiple choice consists of verbal issues to test vocabulary. , verbal reasoning and ability to relate to logically ideas; Quantitative issues (mathematics) to test the ability to solve problems involving arithmetic, elemental algebra and geometry, as well as concepts; And, read sections of understanding.

In addition, the test includes part of the writing sample, which requires students to respond to a subject statement. The test is not classified, but a copy accompanies each SSAT score report sent to a school. A study guide with practice tests is available for $ 29 on the website.

SSAT results include staggered, quantitative, reading and total scores – as well as percentile ranks for each category, compared to other students who take SAT in the last three years. For students in the years 5-9, the national ranking of the Centile is planned to compare the student’s performance to the national student population, including those who do not take SAT. For students from 7 to 10 grades, the results also predict the scores in the twelfth year.

Other private school tests

Other tests – mainly used by parish secondary schools – are the cooperative admission review program (COOP), which provides a test sample and a student manual on their website, as well as the admission test in Catholic high schools (tach), which provides a manual student on their website. The investment test in high school (HSPT) of the school testing service is also used by parish schools and other schools for testing the eighth year for