Tips for Preventing Your Glasses from Hurting Your Nose.

Is it the first time you are wearing glasses and can’t seem to figure out where to fit them on your nose? Have you ever heard of someone complaining that their glasses hurting nose? After wearing your glasses for long, the bridge of your nose may hurt. It is inconvenient. However, why worry when there is a way you can address this problem.

Glasses anatomy.  

  • Arms.

These pieces lay on the side of your face. It should be comfortable and not too tight against your temples and ears.

  • Bridge.

It sits across the nose and is where most pressure by the glass is felt. By adjusting the frames to fit the distance between your eyes, you can alter the size of the bridge.

  • Frames.

It is metal or plastic. It is shaped to fit your lenses and face.

  • Lenses.

It is made from glass or plastic. It is available in many different shapes, opacity levels, colors, and coatings that make them durable against scratching.

  • End pieces.

At the end of your glasses, there are plastic parts. If your glasses shift throughout the day, the end pieces will protect the back of your ears from any scratches.

  • Hinges.

These are metal pieces that connect the frame to the arms of the eyeglasses.  It allows you to wear your glasses without nose pads. It is because it makes your glasses adjustable and movable.

  • Rims.

It is the outer-most part of the frames. It is made with materials like plastic, rubber, or metals. It offers protection to the nose and lenses whenever you wear your glasses with nose pads,

  • Pad arm.

It connects the nose pad to the rims. It is adjustable and designed to fit the shape of your nose.

  • Screws

It allows you to loosen or tighten the nose pads. At the hinges, it secures the rims onto the arms.

  • Nose pads.

It is a pad or cushion that is inside the glasses. It ensures the glasses are comfortable. It protects the bridge of the nose by preventing pressure.

Glasses fitting.      

When you visit your eye doctor, they will take several measurements to ensure the frames of your glasses fits perfectly on your face. The eye doctor will take the following measurements:

  • Distance between your pupils.

A ruler is held at the bridge of your nose. The outer edge of each eye is measured. The width of each pupil will help the doctor to determine how wide your glasses should be. It will also help to determine the correct lens size and frame style that compliments your face.

  • Distance between your eyebrows and just below your cheekbones.

It helps to figure out the best place to put your glasses on your nose and face.

  • Arm length and height.

To prevent your hearing from being blocked, the arms should not be too close to either ear. If the arms of your glasses extend past your ears, your scalp will be irritated due to constant rubbing.

Reasons why the nose pad of your glasses hurt.

Many people who wear glasses complain of glasses hurting their noses. The nose pad hurts because of the following reasons:

  • The glasses are positioned too low on the nose.

It can cause skin irritation if the nose pads press firmly on the skin at the bottom edge of your nostrils.

  • Skin irritation caused by nose pads.

The metal or plastic material of the nose pad causes discomfort on the skin of your nose due to constant irritation. If the skin on your nose is cracked or excessively dry, the irritation may worsen when the nose pad rubs against your skin.

  • The nose pad digs into the bridge of the nose.

When a lot of pressure is applied on the bridge of your nose by the nose pads, it leaves unsightly marks. This is the case if the glasses are not set well or are heavy on the nose.

How to wear glasses properly.            

To prevent your nose pad from hurting you, you should wear your glasses appropriately. To ensure the nose pad doesn’t rest on your skin, you should wear your glasses at a slight downward angle. It will reduce the pressure of the glasses on sensitive areas and prevent unnecessary indentation of the glass at the nose’s bridge. Get glasses that fit you correctly because heavy lenses will hurt you.

Ways of relieving nose pad pain.

  1. Avoid wearing glasses at the bridge of the nose. – Your glasses should sit behind or on top of your ears. It will distribute the weight of the glasses evenly preventing unnecessary pressure.
  2. Apply petroleum jelly on the area that hurts. – Petroleum jelly helps to relieve some pain if applied to the area that hurts. The lubrication helps to reduce friction between the nose pad and the skin.
  3. Buy prescription glasses that lack a nose pad. – To solve the pain issue, you can visit an ophthalmologist to get glasses that fit perfectly, are light and have no nose pads.
  4. Exchange your nose pads. – The shapes, materials, and sizes of nose pads vary. Find one that is comfortable and fits your glasses perfectly
  5. Switch to contact lenses. – If your glasses are causing you pain, you should switch to contact lenses until the problem is resolved.
  6. Care for your nose. – After applying make-up, you should moisturize your skin to prevent pain caused by dry skin. A moisturizer with a fragrance will irritate sensitive skin. Use a gentle scrubber with no oils, fragrances, or alcohol. It will prevent any irritation and remove dead cell buildup.
  7. Consult your eye doctor. – If the problem becomes chronic, you should consult with your eye doctor to discuss new options that you should consider.


People wearing glasses often complain of the nose pad hurting their nose. You should wear your glasses properly to prevent any skin irritation. If the nose pad applies too much pressure on the nose bridge, it will cause chronic pain. Arms, bridges, frames, lenses, end pieces, hinges, rims, pad arm, screws, and nose pads are all parts of a glasses’ anatomy. The nose pad of your glasses can hurt due to several reasons mentioned.  To relieve nose pad pain, you should apply petroleum jelly on the area that hurts, avoid wearing glasses at the bridge of your nose, visit an eye doctor, switch to contact lenses, or buy prescription glasses with no nose pads.